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Cayenne by Example

Illustrating some of the major features of the Apache Cayenne ORM framework using simple examples.

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Lifecycle Events

Cayenne supports lifecycle events for DataObjects interacting with their context during creation, loading, saving, or deleting. These lifecycle events give you the opportunity to inject handlers into the lifecycle of your data objects. Lifecycle events are typically defined in Cayenne Modeler, but can also be defined programmatically.

There are two different types of handlers you can create:

  1. Callbacks
  2. Listeners

A callback is for individual DataObjects and each event will only be sent to the specific DataObject that is registered for the event and had a lifecycle event change.

A listener receives events for all DataObjects when you register to be notified of lifecycle changes. You can register listeners to receive events for all DataObjects of a single class or to receive events for all DataObjects.

Both callbacks and listeners allow multiple handlers to be registered for the same event.

The supported lifecycle events and description of what triggers them is summarized in the following table.

Event Trigger
PostAdd When newObject is called upon an ObjectContext to create and register a new object, but after the ObjectId is created and the ObjectContext is set. This is an excellent place to initialize a DataObject via a callback handler.
PrePersist When commitChanges or commitChangesToParent is called upon an ObjectContext, but prior to actually committing to the database and prior to any validateFor* methods are called. NOTE: This is for NEW objects. This is an excellent place to set a "creation date" attribute on objects via a callback handler.
PreUpdate When commitChanges or commitChangesToParent is called upon an ObjectContext, but prior to actually committing to the database and prior to any validateFor* methods are called. NOTE: This is for UPDATED objects. This is an excellent place to set a "modification date" attribute on objects via a callback handler.
PreRemove When deleteObject is called upon an ObjectContext, but prior to actually deleting from the database. Also includes all objects that will be deleted as a result of CASCADE delete rule.
PostPersist When commitChanges is called upon an ObjectContext, but after the commit of a new object has been sent to the database.
PostUpdate When commitChanges is called upon an ObjectContext, but after the commit of a modified object has been sent to the database.
PostRemove When commitChanges is called upon an ObjectContext, but after the commit of a deleted object has been sent to the database.
PostLoad → When commitChanges is called upon an ObjectContext and after the object is fetched.
→ When rollbackChanges is called upon an ObjectContext and after the object is reverted.
→ Any time a faulted object is resolved (such as a relationship being fetched).

See callbacks and listeners for examples on how to use lifecycle events.

Configuring Handlers via Cayenne Model


Configuring Handlers Programmatically